Broad Street Lyme Regis


To meet the UK’s target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, local authorities have an important role to fulfil in interpreting and implementing national policy, leading by example, inspiring local action and lead climate action in their communities.

This is a responsibility not to be taken lightly and Lyme Regis Town Council is conscious of its leadership role, but also the challenges that come with it. Funding constraints can be a barrier to our climate ambitions, national policy can create limitations at a local level and choosing what’s most effective isn’t always the most popular.

Our environmental aims

The town council's journey to becoming carbon neutral by 2030

Advice and funding

Information on how to put your green plans into action

Our green town

Find out about green initiatives around the town

Partner organisations

The organisations we work with to meet our environmental aims

Nature and wildlife

Find out what makes Lyme Regis such an important and unique landscape

Sustainable travel

Find out how to travel sustainably in and around Lyme Regis

Eco awards

Read about the town's eco awards