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Members' Allowance

Members can claim an allowance to cover the expenses which are normally associated with the basic duties of being a town councillor. Travelling and subsistence expenses are treated separately.

The level of allowance must be the same for all but the chairman of the council.

The members' allowance for 2024-25 is a Level 3 allowance, i.e., £587.56 per annum (4% of the basic allowance of a Dorset Council councillor). The implementation of these allowances is from 1 April 2024 and they are reviewed annually.

Mileage allowances are paid in accordance with HM Revenue and Customs Mileage Allowance Payments (MAPs), as follows:

  • mileage allowances are set at 45p per mile up to 10,000 and 25p per mile thereafter
  • passenger payments of up to 5p per mile per passenger (up to a maximum of four) can only be claimed for passengers who would be eligible for travelling allowance
  • motorcycle payments are set at 24p per mile
  • bicycle payments are set at 20p per mile

Approved travel on public transport approve is reimbursement at the standard or actual fare. The payment of parking fees is at the amount incurred.

Subsistence allowances on reimbursement of receipted expenditure within the maximum limits are set out below:

Minimum journey time Maximum amount claimable
5 hours* £5.00*
10 hours* £10.00*
15 hours* £15.00*
*Supplement where journey ends after 8pm £10.00

Room only subsistence for overnight absence, other than London, should be £85.92 incl. VAT or £112.96 incl. VAT in London.

The following town councillors claim an allowance:

  • Cllr Caroline Aldridge
  • Cllr Gail Caddy
  • Cllr Sean Larcombe
  • Cllr Philip May
  • Cllr John Trevena