05 July 2024

Notice of election given to find a new town councillor

Notice of election given to find a new town councillor

NOTICE has been given of an election for a new Lyme Regis town councillor.

Dorset Council has confirmed it has received the required 10 requests from Lyme Regis electors to hold an election to fill the vacancy, following the resignation of Belinda Bawden.

If there is more than one candidate, the poll will take place on Thursday 8 August.

Nomination papers are available from Dorset Council's returning officer at County Hall, Dorchester between 9am and 4pm or can be downloaded from the Electoral Commission website.

Nomination papers must be hand delivered to the returning officer by 4pm on Friday 12 July.

Candidates must make an appointment to deliver nomination papers by calling Electoral Services on 01305 838299 or emailing elections@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk

The full notice of election is available here

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